“CEO is the Ultimate Influencer” – CEO Twitter Scoreboard January 1 2017 Update
© TECHtionary.com
Updated January 1 – 2017
From Jack Dorsey – “When a leader, CEO or someone in a leadership position takes to the platform they have the opportunity to humanise their organisation, make it feel smaller and relatable to people.”
The Winner is !
The top Twitterer is Richard Branson @richardbranson with 9.17 million gaining 210,000 followers and certainly the most engaged CEO with 3-Star rating. As reported by Entrepreneur magazine, here are:
Four Ways Richard Branson Does Social Media
- He connects on the most human of levels.
- He uses social media to drive traffic to the Virgin website.
- He has fun.
- He welcomes input from customers.
The biggest gainer in the business world was @elonmusk CEO of Telsa with 6.5 million and 240,000 new followers.
In today’s business-political-social world, you are measured by many factors including the number of Twitter followers you have. In fact, many surveys have found that websites in general are perceived as passive customer communication tools with Twitter being a far more proactive customer-engaging tool. These surveys have also found an increasing number of customers go to your Twitter account before they go to your website doing “due diligence” on you looking for call-to-actions, thought leadership and content useful in their purchasing as well as customer complaints regarding your solution. Your client may not have a Twitter business account but they may have a personal account and their advisors may as well. You can also see how in some small way John Legere’s Twitter efforts have also impacted the price of the stock.
As noted Twitter expert Evan Kirstel just named Top B2B-Business-to-Business Influencer with 100K followers stated, “Twitter is not just way to meet new prospects and partners, it IS the way you run your company. If you aren’t engaged, your competition likely is!” That is, CEO’s are beginning to see the real value of Twitter not just for their company but for their role as CEO in the company they run.
The New Social Media Engaged CEO as “The ultimate value of any CEO is the price of the stock and social media can impact that.”
If you are a CEO or C-Level we can help you and your company use Twitter to gain-retain followers and customers
email cross@gocross.com and we can provide proven cost-effective results and references.
The purpose of this article is to not just talk about HOW CEOs Twitter but which CEO has the highest number of Followers
not the only measure of the CEO’s social presence but certainly a viable one.
***Twitter Star Ratings
***Three Stars – Posting Weekly Engaging with Followers & “Thought Leadership” – Global Values & Vision
**Two Stars – Posting Weekly and Thought Leadership
* One Star – Posting Weekly & Corporate Sales Pitch
How do you score against your competitors?
Click here to get listed, corrections, additions, and Twitter help. We apologize for omissions or errors.
CEO’s: Gains+ and Losses- during December 2016 only
Company | Twitter Name | Followers | +/- since 12/1 | Star Rating | Notes |
Richard Branson |
@richardbranson |
9,170,000 | +220,000 | *** | Global, company, customer engagement |
Elan Musk Telsa/Spacex | @elonmusk | 6,500,000 | +240,000 | ** | Space pics |
Mark Cuban |
@mcuban |
6,110,000 | +130,000 | * | Personal topics |
Lord Sugar Amshold | @Lord_Sugar | 5,280,000 | +20,000 | ** | Global |
Tim Cook Apple | @tim_cook | 4,020,000 | +70,000 | ** | Apple promotion |
Jack Dorsey | @jack | 3,950,000 | +30,000 | ** | Social issues |
John Legere | @JohnLegere | 3,460,000 | +150,000 | *** | TMobile and event promotion |
Marissa Mayer Yahoo | @marissamayer | 1,680,000 | +10,000 | * | Business topics |
Tony Fernades AirAsia | @tonyfernandes | 1,270,000 | +50,000 | *** | Airline and global topics |
Warren Buffett Berkshire | @WarrenBuffett | 1,220,000 | +10,000 | Only 1 posts in 2016 | |
Satya Nadella MSFT | @satyanadella | 1,180,000 | +20,000 | *** | MSFT promotion & global tops |
Michael Dell | @MichaelDell | 1,120,000 | +20,000 | * | Dell promotion |
Aaron Levie Box |
@levie |
966,000 | +68,000 | ** | Political topics |
Sundar Pichai Google |
@sundarpichai |
674,000 | +29,000 | ||
Larry Kim Wordstream |
@larrykim |
567,000 | +27,000 | ||
Jeff Weiner Linkedin | @jeffweiner | 411,000 | +5,000 | ** | Global business |
Marc Benioff Salesforce | @Benioff | 401,000 | +38,000 | *** | Social issues |
Dave Asprey BPNutrition |
@bulletproofexec |
350,000 | 0 | ** | Food topics |
Meg Whitman | @MegWhitman | 236,000 | 0 | Northing since 2011 | |
Thubten WePostMedia |
@thubten |
224,000 | 0 | *** | |
Olga Kay MooshWalks |
@OlgaKay |
210,000 | 6,000 | ** | |
Bryan Kramer PureMatter |
@bryankramer |
198,000 | +2,000 | ** | |
Ashley Alexiss |
@AshAlexiss |
194,000 | 0 | ** | |
Jeffrey Bezos Amazon | @JeffBezos
170,000 | +13,000 | * | Space issues |
David Gold West Ham United FC |
@davidgold |
167,000 | +3,000 | ** | Sports and charities |
Tamara McCleary Thulium |
@TamaraMcCleary |
147,000 | New | ||
Marcelo Claure Sprint |
@marceloclaure |
144,000 | +4,000 | *** | Company, family and charity topics |
Debra Ruh RuhGlobal |
@debraruh |
137,000 | +4,000 | *** | Health, caring and charity topics |
Gurbaksh Chalal |
@gchahal |
133,000 | New | ** | Hidden tweets |
Mark Zuckerberg | @MarkZuckerbergF | 129,000 | +4,000 | Nothing since 2010 | |
Rui Delgado Berrymetrics |
@rui |
121,000 | +19,000 | ** | Global |
Ian Matthews WMGCinsights |
@iancsmatthews |
108,000 | 1,000 | * | |
Shelly Kramer V3Broadsuite |
@ShellyKramer |
104,000 | 0 | ** | |
Evan Kirstel |
@evankirstel |
100,000 | +9,000 | ||
Holly Ransom Emergent |
@HollyRansom |
94,100 | 100 | *** | Global topics |
Larry Ellison Oracle | @larryellison | 94,000 | +200 | Nothing since 2012 | |
Mike Kawula SocialQuant |
@MikeKawula |
86,800 | +3,900 | * | Company topics |
Michael Brenner MKTGnsiders |
@BrennerMichael |
79,300 | +2,000 | ** | Marketing SEO topics |
Spencer Rascoff Zillow | @spencerrascoff | 74,600 | +700 | *** | Company topics |
Joseph Steinberg SecureMySocial |
@JosephSteinberg |
67,200 | +4,300 | ** | |
Aseem Badshad Socedo |
@aseemb |
66,800 | +1,300 | * | Company topics |
Danny Gibson Inkster |
@DannyG_inkster |
62,800 | +1,400 | * | Culture |
John Hall Influence Co |
@johnhall |
58,900 | +16,100 | ** | |
Caen Contee Connect |
@caencontee |
58,500 | +1,000 | * | Company |
Jacqueline Gold – Ann Summers |
@Jacqueline_Gold |
57,200 | +200 | * | Fashion, family topics |
David Meltzer Sports1Mkt |
@davidmeltzer |
53,700 | +100 | * | Sports |
Danielle Morrill Mattermark |
@DanielleMorrill |
52,900 | +1,400 | ** | Company and global |
JM Alvarez-Pallete Telefonica |
@jmalvpal |
52,700 | +400 | * | Global |
Josef Holm Krowdster |
@josefholm |
52,500 | +1,700 | * | Crowdfunding |
Peter Bordes OneCube |
@PeterBordes |
46,200 | +700 | ** | |
Brit Morin Brit |
@brit |
43,500 | +200 | ** | Family and company |
Lee Ann Allman Sandton |
@leeannallman |
43,500 | +1,500 | ** | Global |
Rob Peters |
@StandardofTrust |
41,600 | +700 | ** | |
Paolo Privitera Pick1 |
@pppaolo |
41,200 | -100 | ** | |
Keith Krach Docusign |
@KeithJKrach |
34,800 | +500 | ** | Company, tech |
Kevin Crenshaw |
@kcren |
34,200 | +400 | *** | |
Jason Will Zipkick |
@jasonbwill |
33,700 | -100 | * | Food |
Sebastian James Dixons |
@DCSebJ |
33,400 | +1,400 | * | Company |
David Jones One Young World |
@davidjonesOYW |
32,500 | +100 | ** | Global |
Steve Zeitch FocalPoint |
@SteveZeitch |
32,500 | +200 | ** | |
Ronan Dunne Verizon |
@RonanDunneVZW |
31,700 | +100 | *** | Global |
Cheryl Burgess BlueFocus |
@ckburgess |
30,000 | +200 | * | Company |
Mauro Biasolo LLCbox |
@MauroBiasolo |
28,300 | +1,700 | *** | Business topics |
MariAnne Vanella Vanella Group | @VanellaGroup |
27,600 |
+400 | ** | Business topics |
Gil Eyal Hyprbrands |
@gileyal |
26,700 | +200 | ** | Random |
Yaqui Nunez Quierolabya |
@yaqui |
26,300 | 0 | ** | Global |
Jon Ferrar Nimble |
@Jon_Ferrara |
26,300 | +100 | ** | Company |
Christo Fouch BusinessDirect |
@christofouche |
25,700 | +9,400 | * | Company sales |
David Prasser Startuscc |
@DavidRPrasser |
25,500 | +900 | ** | Company, tech |
Sherry Chris |
@sherrychris |
25,300 | +200 | ** | Fashion, family, other |
Tim Jackson CADA |
@TimWJackson |
25,000 | +400 | ** | Business topics |
Chuck Robbins Cisco |
@ChuckRobbins |
22,700 | +700 | ** | Company, tech |
Jack Parsons YourfeedUK |
@JackParsons_CEO |
21,000 | +2,100 | *** | Tech, brand |
George Schildge Matrix Group |
@gschildge |
20,500 | +100 | ** | Marketing strategy |
Reed Hastings | @reedhastings | 20,500 | +500 | Political – social | |
Ginny Rometty IBM | @GinniRometty | 19,600 | +300 | No posts | |
Stephen Kelly SageGroupPLC |
@SKellyCEO |
19,200 | +400 | ** | Global, tech |
Ayah Bdeir Littlebits | @ayahbdeir | 18,600 | +100 | ** | Company promotion |
Nicelle McCall BoldGuidance |
@Nichelle_McCall |
18,400 | 0 | * | Startup |
David Thodey x-Telstra | @davidthodey | 18,000 | +100 | Global | |
Mike Wilson Comnexia | @VoIPBoss | 17,900 | -100 | * | Business |
Megann Rundell Tulip Strategies |
@megannrundell |
17,600 | New | ** | Random |
Helena Morrissey Newtonim | @MorrisseyHelena | 17,200 | +400 | ** | Humanitarian |
Mattan Griffel Onemonthedu |
@mattangriffel |
16,700 | 0 | ** | Tech, startup |
Blake Irving Godaddy |
@Blakei |
16,500 | +100 | ** | Global tech topics |
Robert Moore Footprint_Nyc |
@MediaLabRat |
16,400 | +100 | ** | Content marketing |
Cindy Whitehead ThePinkCeiling |
@cindypinkceo |
16,100 | +3,100 | *** | Women in business |
Mark Hurd Oracle |
@MarkVHurd |
16,000 | +300 | ** | Company, tech |
Jonathan LaCoste Jebbit |
@lacostejonathan |
15,500 | 0 | ** | Tech, SMM |
Ouriel Ohayon Appsfire |
@OurielOhayon |
15,500 | +100 | ** | Apps |
Javier beBee beBee | @JavierBeBee | 14,900 | +3,200 | ** | Company promotion |
Mark Bertolini Aetna | @mtbert | 14,700 | +300 | ** | Global topics |
Theo Priestly Cronycle |
@tprstly |
14,500 | +200 | ** | Innovation |
John Donahoe Paypal | @Donahoe_John | 14,200 | 0 | No posts since 2015 | |
Dheeraj Pandey Nutanix |
@trailsfootmarks |
13,900 | +1,000 | ** | Company |
Tom Mendoz Netapp | @TomMendozaTalks | 13,100 | +100 | ** | Company, sports, tech |
Jan Owen Young Australians |
@JanOwenAM |
13,100 | +100 | ** | Global, startups |
Derek Flanzraich Greatist | @derekflanz | 13,100 | +200 | * | Wellness |
Jeremy Burton EMC |
@jburton |
13,000 | +200 | ** | Company promotion |
Jeremy Bloom Integrate | @JeremyBloom11 | 12,800 | +200 | ** | Company, self-promo |
Paul F. Calero Havas |
@Paul_Framp |
12,500 | +200 | ** | Global |
Ophir Gottlief CMLviz |
@OphirGottlieb |
12,200 | +700 | ** | Fintech |
Burton Goldfield Trinet |
@BurtonGoldfield |
12,200 | +800 | ||
Kathryn Parsons Decoded |
@KathrynParsons |
12,000 | +100 | * | Global, startups |
Brian Krzanich Intel | @bkrunner | 11,900 | +300 | ** | Company promotion |
Dr. Susan Amat VentureHive |
@SusanAmat |
11,800 | 0 | *** | Startups |
Brandon Foo Polymail |
@foolywk |
11,200 | 0 | * | Company |
Jon Medved OurCrowd |
@jonmedved |
11,000 | +100 | * | Startups |
Scott Brown Bounce.io | @sbrown | 10,700 | 0 | ** | Company promotion & lifestyle |
Justin Holland Healthjoy |
@JH_HealthJoy |
10,600 | -200 | ** | Medical, startup |
Grant Wilkinson Fluidbrowser |
@grantfwilkinson |
10,500 | 0 | Apps and tech | |
Briand Bosche GoSlope |
@BrianPBosche |
10,500 | +400 | ** | Company, tech |
Bradford Glaser HRDQ |
@HRDQBrad |
10,400 | +100 | ** | Management, tech |
Francois Goube Cogniteev |
@francoisgoube |
9,838 | +121 | ** | Business Startup topics |
Pat Gelginger Vmware |
@PGelsinger |
9,798 | +279 | ** | Company |
Tom Gillis BRKT |
@_TomGillis |
9,780 | +759 | ** | Business security |
Wes Hayden Virtual Hold |
@weshayden |
9,443 | +24 | ** | Tech topics |
Craig Faulker FMGSuite |
@CraigFaulkner_ |
9,177 | -205 | * | Marketing |
Sara Bird Moz |
@SarahBird |
9,117 | +31 | *** | Company, tech |
Jennifer Hyman Renttherunway |
@Jenn_RTR |
9,031 | +185 | ** | Fashion, politics |
Jack Salzwedel | @amfamjack | 8,614 | +223 | *** | Company topics |
Geeman Yip BitTitan |
@GeemanYip |
8,115 | +987 | ** | Company, startups |
Brad Smith Intuit | @IntuitBrad | 8,025 | +136 | ** | Company-personal promotion |
Jerry Colonna RebootHQ |
@jerrycolonna |
7,988 | +48 | ** | Global |
Ola Rollén
Hexagon |
@OlaRollen | 7,870 | +88 | * | Personal interests |
Arlo Gilbert Televero |
@arlogilbert |
7,781 | +23 | ** | Global topics |
Martin Gilbert – Aberdeen | @MartinGilbert83 | 7,338 | +130 | ** | Industry |
Karim Abouelnaga PMPUSA |
@KarimAbouelnaga |
7,313 | +485 | ** | Team building |
Adam Broadway NearMeco |
@abroadway |
7,210 | +960 | ** | Marketing |
Jeff Haynie Appcelator | @jhaynie | 7,037 | +60 | ** | Global topics |
Gregarious Narain Chute | @gregarious | 6,602 | +44 | ** | Personal |
Chris Kalaboukis HelloFuture |
@thinkfuture |
6,429 | -4 | ** | Innovation tech |
Erik Rusnak VoipInt |
@Eruss2 |
6,326 | -29 | ** | Tech topics |
Bart Lorang FullContact |
@bartlorang |
6,071 | +16 | ** | Company, tech |
Howard Brown RingDNA |
@howardbrown |
5,868 | -10 | ** | Sales |
Alex Raymond Kapta | @afraymond | 5,343 | -5 | ** | Sales and Customer topics |
Ludovic Huraux Shapr |
@LudovicHuraux |
5,196 | +628 | ** | Company promotion |
Heather Margolis ChannelMavens |
@HeatherMargolis |
5,111 | +34 | ** | Channel sales |
James Park Fitbit |
@parkjames |
5,101 | +101 | ** | Company |
Helmuth Fuchs Moneycab |
@buddli |
5,077 | +95 | ** | Global, startups |
Alex Aleksandroski Wooter |
@vvooter |
4,842 | -32 | *** | Sports fashion |
Ann Charles BrandFog |
@annmcharles |
4,647 | New | *** | Politics |
Marcela Shine Scientific_Ly |
@MarcelaShine |
4,541 | +799 | * | Politics |
Martin Bouygues | @MartinBouygues | 4,370 | +226 | Business topics | |
Valerie Jennings JSMM |
@valeriejennings |
4,317 | +17 | ** | Startup issues |
Johnny Katz Varick North |
@JohnnyJKatz |
4,247 | +112 | * | Business topics |
Nick Kullin Second Flight |
@NickKullin |
4,170 | +343 | Personal | |
Joshua Reeves GustoHQ |
@joshuareeves |
4,168 | +38 | Company promotion | |
Bruce Broussard Humana | @brucedbroussard | 4,135 | +68 | Company topics | |
Eric Litman Medialets | @ericlitman | 4,093 | -9 | ** | Company promotion |
T Schellenbach Getstream |
@tschellenbach |
4,028 | +19 | * | Tech |
Carter Hostelley Leadtail | @carterhostelley | 3,934 | +60 | ** | Sales, tech |
Steve Greenburg |
@steviegpro |
3,800 | +8 | ** | Politics |
Ankur Nagpal |
@ankurnagpal |
3,709 | +54 | * | Company |
Mat Ellis Cloudability | @MatEllis | 3,600 | +114 | * | Company promotion |
Larry Weber RacepointGlobal |
@TheLarryWeber |
3,516 | +4 | * | Company promotion |
Julie Wainwright RealReal |
@RealRealJulie |
3,497 | -1 | ** | Business/political topics |
Debbie Wossk Lovehomeswap |
@DebbieWossk |
3,425 | +232 | Startups | |
Rami Essaid Distil | @ramiessaid | 3,384 | +19 | ** | Company-personal promotion |
Domini Pouzin BitTitan |
@dominicpouzin |
3,324 | +754 | ** | Tech news |
Dave Girgenti LifeBlinkinc |
@davegirgenti |
3,264 | +206 | ** | Startups |
Michael Biddick Fusion PPT |
@michaelbiddick |
3,236 | -3
* | Company |
Liz Pearce LiquidPlanner |
@lizprc |
3,213 | +8 | ** | Business topics |
Lisa Abeyta AppCitylife |
@LisaAbeyta |
3,193 | +100 | ** | Tech/politics |
Eric Yuan Zoom |
@ericsyuan |
3,167 | +678 | ** | Random |
Yoav Schwartz Uberflip |
@yostar |
3,058 | +197 | Marketing | |
Xavier Rolet London Stock Exchange |
@xrolet |
2,914 | +59 | ** | Fintech |
Shai Berger Fonolo |
@shaiberger |
2,839 | +29 | ** | Global |
Peter Dicksion Wegreenlight |
@PeterJDickinson |
2,735 | -19 | ** | Company, startups |
Stale Hansen AdvaniaNorway |
@StaleHansen |
2,712 | +19 | * | Microsoft |
Carmen Gonzales Sys-Con |
@GonzalezCarmen |
2,681 | +111 | ** | Cloud |
Will Richman BitmakerHQ |
@will_richman |
2,613 | +76 | Random | |
Derek Rogers Generous Tickets |
@Calgaryrogers |
2,466 | +197 | ** | Fintech |
Simon Segars ARM |
@simonsegars |
2,438 | +44 | ** | Company, caring |
Dan Lynn Agildata |
@danklynn |
2,356 | -1 | ** | Random |
Paul Segre Genesys |
@PaulSegre |
2,287 | +75 | * | Company promotion |
Kent Thiry
DaVita |
@KentThiry | 2,275 | +56 | *** | Company and health topics |
Allyson Downey WeekSpring |
@AllysonDowney |
2,256 | +17 | ** | Politics |
Tanya Prive OneVest |
@TanyaPrive1 |
2,213 | +22 | Startup | |
Cameron Avery ElasticGrid |
@Cameron__Avery |
2,165 | -18 | ** | Company promotion |
TJ Parker PillPack | @tjparker | 2,081 | +56 | ** | Misc topics |
G. Krista Morgan P2Bi |
@krismtl |
2,068 | +34 | ** | Company Topics |
Zach Supalla Particle |
@zs |
2,061 | +30 | * | Random |
Vittorio Colao Vodafone | @vitt61 | 2,022 | +21 | Global topics | |
George Mitsopoulos Broadvoice |
@gmitsopoulos |
1,949 | -7 | * | Tech topics |
Michael White e4Strategies | @e4VoIP | 1,945 | +19 | * | Random |
Jon Stein Kettera |
@JonSteinCEO |
1,927 | -23 | ** | Fintech |
Nina Simosko NTTi3 |
@ninasimosko |
1,923 | -1 | ** | Security and women in business |
James Hagan Noinc |
@jhagen |
1,922 | +120 | ** | Edtech |
Richard Jones EngageSciences |
@oldstriker |
1,803 | -28 | ** | Company, biz |
Amit Shaffir Quiv |
@ashafrir |
1,787 | +1 | Random | |
Promise Phelon Tapinfluence |
@PromisePhelon |
1,778 | +66 | ** | Business topics |
Jackie Ros Revolar |
@jackie_ros |
1,765 | +32 | *** | Tech startups |
Edward Kim Gusto |
@edawerd |
1,730 | +14 | * | Company |
Jason Tan SiftScience |
@jasontan |
1,698 | +42 | Tech | |
Sanjay Verma Skv_India |
@skv_india |
1,686 | +72 | ** | Global |
Chad Gundry Bragshare |
@ChadGundry |
1,683 | +286 | ** | Business |
Joe Burton Plantronics | @JoeBBurton | 1,672 | +12 | * | Auto topics |
Jens Nylander Automile | @nylanderjens | 1,636 | +37 | * | Company |
Cathy Engelbert Deloitte |
@CathyEngelbert |
1,624 | +318 | ** | Company, Business |
Jerry Kennelly Tweak | @jerrykennelly | 1,614 | -57 | * | Company |
Ahmad Chatila Sunedison |
@AhmadRChatila |
1,606 | -20 | ** | Solar business topics |
Paul Vincent Neuranet |
@pcvincent |
1,565 | +129 | ** | Startups, Tech |
Andre Durand Ping |
@andredurand |
1,564 | +8 | Cybersecurity, caring | |
Todd Vernon VictorOps |
@toddvernon |
1,520 | +14 | ** | Random |
Ranvir Gujral Chute | @ranvir | 1,469 | +3 | ** | Chute promotion |
Anke Corbin Globig |
@ankec |
1,463 | +19 | ** | Women, startups, VC |
Justin Gray Myleadmd |
@Jgraymatter |
1,444 | +15 | ** | B2B, sales |
Carol Barash Story2 |
@CarolBarash |
1,425 | +42 | ** | Edtech, startups |
Anna Jones Hearst UK |
@MrsAnnaKJones |
1,416 | +212 | ** | Women startups |
Dhaval Shah Ganjaboxes |
@CEODhaval |
1,412 | +62 | ** | Industry |
David Morken Bandwidth |
@DavidMorken |
1,382 | +15 | ** | Business Topics |
Mary Boone |
@maryboone |
1,371 | -2 | *** | Business |
Moshe Maeir Fone.do |
@fone_do |
1,366 | +1 | ** | Tech |
Ed Clark Atlanta Motor Speedway | @EdClarkAMS
1,353 | +3 | Car topics | |
Ned Scott Steemit |
@certainassets |
1,298 | +178 | ** | Fintech |
Kreg Peeler Spingoevents |
@kregpeeler |
1,243 | +9 | Company | |
Dayanna Valenciano TheLuvalGroup |
@DayValenciano |
1,242 | +38 | *** | News |
Niki Koubourlis BoldBetties |
@NikiKoub |
1,200 | +15 | ** | Startups |
Chris Neumann Datahero | @ckneumann | 1,200 | +24 | * | Company promotion |
Scott Yates Blogmutt |
@scodtt |
1,187 | +2 | ** | Company promotion |
Andrei Soroker Kato.im | @abs | 1,186 | +18 | * | Lifestyle topics |
Sasanka Atapattu Launchsource |
@SasankaAtapattu |
1,184 | +24 | ** | Career |
Tim Burton Center for Excellence |
@TBurtonCEO |
1,181 | -26 | ** | Business |
Avi Freedman Kentikinc |
@avifreedman |
1,176 | +59 | * | Random |
John Gabbert Pitchbook | @john_gabbert | 1,166 | +71 | ** | Venture capital issues |
Chip Pickering Incompass |
@ChipPickering |
1,163 | +3 | *** | Association |
Simon Knapp Pixmoto |
@simonknapp |
1,157 | +10 | ** | Marketing, Tech |
Daniel Saks Appdirect | @danielsaks | 1,083 | +52 | * | Company promotion |
Michael Tessler Broadsoft |
@michael_tessler |
1,050 | +18 | ** | Company |
Alex Bisbe Whisbi |
@Alexbisbe |
1,042 | +9 | * | Company |
Sagar Modi QuiphMedia |
@sagarmodi91 |
1,031 | +12 | ** | Startups |
Chip Roberson Brandle |
@chip_roberson |
1,018 | -66 | ** | Politics |
Tom Coburn Jebbit |
@TomCoburn1 |
1,007 | +1 | ** | Startups |
Note: CEO with less than 1,000 followers are not included. We are glad to correct any errors or omissions.
Note: CEO with less than 1,000 followers are not included. We are glad to correct any errors or omissions.
Please suggest any missing names. Please email cross@gocross.com for help in gaining-retaining Twitter followers and other forms of marketing. Please follow us @techtionary
Note: Twitter accounts are based on Twitter, Google and other searches and may not be the only Twitter account used not by the companies nor individuals of the companies they run nor reflect any changes at the companies mentioned. We searched the Fortune Magazine Fortune 1000 for names.
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The CEO Twitter Tech Scoreboard is designed to give you a benchmark of your Twitter performance as you can’t force people to Follow you and according to an increasing number of sources – customers visit your Twitter before they go to your website. Gaining “meaningful followers” is a voluntary one, it is a good measure of “good will” you have in the marketplace you serve.
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