CEO Twitter Scoreboard November 1 – 2016 Archive


twitter-scoreboard-ceo-Updated November 1 – 2016

The Winner is !

The top Twitterer is Richard Branson @richardbranson with 8.7 million gaining 204,000 followers and certainly the most engaged CEO with 3-Star rating. 

As reported by Entrepreneur magazine, here are:

Four Ways Richard Branson Does Social Media

  1. He connects on the most human of levels.
  2. He uses social media to drive traffic to the Virgin website.
  3. He has fun.
  4. He welcomes input from customers.

The biggest gainer in the business world is @ElonMusk with 5.7 million gaining 360,000 new followers followed by @tim_cook with 3.75 million and 240,000 new followers.

The purpose of this article is to not just talk about HOW CEOs Twitter but which CEO has the highest number of Followers not the only measure of the CEO’s social presence but certainly a viable one.

The CEO as Ultimate Influencer To All Involved

From Jack Dorsey – “When a leader, CEO or someone in a leadership position takes to the platform they have the opportunity to humanise their organisation, make it feel smaller and relatable to people.”

As noted Twitter expert Evan Kirstel just named #5 of Top B2B-Business-to-Business Influences more than 76K up 10K followers in July stated, “Twitter is not just way to meet new prospects and partners, it IS the way you run your company. If you aren’t engaged, your competition likely is!”  That is, CEO’s are beginning to see the real value of Twitter not just for their company but for their role as CEO in the company they run.

Here are just some of the concept core to an Influencer Marketing program.  Contact him @evankirstel for details.

Connections – create and connect with other social media influences and guide with monthly “tweetchats.”

Curation – review and curate company content, provide guidance and enhanced thought leadership via influencer team.

Content – turbocharge your content reaching hundreds of thousands of users on Twitter and tens of thousands on Linkedin.

Collaboration – collaborate with internal and external social leaders.

C-Level – assist and guide the CXO on their social media efforts along with gaining-retaining followers via CEO Twitter Scoreboard.

Concern – respond to concerns expressed by customers and build and monitor system for sales, service/support, IR/PR and compliance issues.

Crisis – provide crisis response team to address 7×24 tracking to avoid situations such as Target, WellsFargo, Chipotle and other corporate devastating consequences with live “tweetchats” demonstrating responsiveness.

 The New Social Media Engaged CEO as “The ultimate value of any CEO is the price of the stock and social media can impact that.”

If you are a CEO or C-Level we can help you and your company use Twitter to gain-retain followers and customers email and we can provide proven cost-effective results and references.

Customer Communications

johnlegereSupport – Twitter is a must-have to respond to customer comments, concerns and questions. Rather than call you, customers post on Twitter using the famous hashtag #fail to express their concerns. Yes, this is a public rebuke to your solutions which if you don’t respond, can spiral out of control causing further damage to your business brand and reputation. Responding quickly and politely is critical to your reputation.  Ultimately as John Legere said it best, “Consumers aren’t going to connect with a robot #CEO.” 

Sales – Social selling works, you can find potential customers, engage with them exploring your solution to solve their problems and helping them as well. Sales is more than selling it is helping your customers grow as well. You are also being watched by your competitors so take note to do a really great job.

Corporate – You are measured by the number of followers you have and if you only post blather or corporate sales or worse just retweeting OPC-other peoples’ content, customers will think less of you and simply buy from someone else. If you think it is just for promoting your corporate blogs and blather, you are likely missing out on how customers really feel about you as its not broadcast media anymore, it is social media.

If you still ask “why” Twitter, the answer is both easy and hard. The easy answer is – it is a really new way to connect with your customers and provide great customer service. The hard answer is customers just buy from someone else.

CEO Xcelerator

In today’s business-political-social world, you are measured by many factors including the number of Twitter followers you have. In fact, many surveys have found that websites in general are perceived as passive customer communication tools with Twitter being a far more proactive customer-engaging tool. These surveys have also found an increasing number of customers go to your Twitter account before they go to your website doing “due diligence” on you looking for call-to-actions, thought leadership and content useful in their purchasing as well as customer complaints regarding your solution. Your client may not have a Twitter business account but they may have a personal account and their advisors may as well. You can also see how in some small way John Legere’s Twitter efforts have also impacted the price of the stock.

Why CEOs should Twitter

jack dorsey

jack dorsey

Jack Dorsey tells why CEO’s should Twitter, “When a leader, CEO or someone in a leadership position takes to the platform they have the opportunity to humanise their organisation, make it feel smaller and relatable to people.” Click on image for more.

As noted Twitter expert Evan Kirstel just named #5 of Top B2B-Business-to-Business Influences with more than 80K followers  stated, Twitter is not just way to meet new prospects and partners, it IS the way you run your company. If you aren’t engaged, your competition likely is!” That is, CEO’s are beginning to see the real value of Twitter not just for their company but for their role as CEO in the company they run. The New Social Media Engaged CEO as “The ultimate value of any CEO is the price of the stock and social media can impact that.”

If you are a CEO or C-Level we can help you and your company use Twitter to gain-retain followers and customers, here is an option called CEO Xcelerator from Evan Kirstel:

“As a CEO one of my greatest challenges to customers, staff and others, is communication. With the help of Evan, I am now communicating more effectively and engaging with more audiences which is having a positive impact on our business. Evan recognizes the ultimate value of the CEO is having an impact on the revenue and brand value of the business.”

Here are some of the services provided:

– Personal and confidential executive mentoring and consultation on goals, style and messaging for ondemand and scheduled planning sessions

– Personal guidance on postings

– Custom curated content development from planned, ongoing and crisis communications planning

– Hourly, daily, weekly custom curated Twitter and Linkedin posts

– Review of Twitter Notifications and content guidance and compliance

– Review of Twitter Impressions metrics to understand content traffic

– Personal introductions to customers, strategic partners and key social media leaders

– Review and reports, as needed to measure gain-retain value

evan kirstel

evan kirstel

For a private and confidential consultant contact Evan 978-761-1524 or To get started follow Evan on Twitter @evankirstel and on Linkedin.

The purpose of this article is to not just talk about HOW CEOs Twitter but which CEO has the highest number of Followers which is not the only measure of the CEO’s social presence but certainly a viable one.

 Twitter Star Ratings

The Twitter “Star” Ratings was developed in response to the fact that Richard Branson and John Legere unlike many others engage with their followers.  We found that most CEO’s use Twitter as a broadcast medium and don’t respond or even care what their followers think.  There are very few 3-star ratings and will work hard to find CEOs that truly engage with their followers.

***Three Stars – Posting Weekly Engaging with Followers & “Thought Leadership” – Global Values & Vision

**Two Stars – Posting Weekly and Thought Leadership

* One Star – Posting Weekly & Corporate Sales Pitch

How do you score against your competitors?

Click here to get listed, corrections, additions, and Twitter help. We apologize for omissions or errors.

TECH CEO’s:  Gains+ and Losses- during October 2016 only

Company Twitter Name Followers +/- since 10/1 Star Rating Notes
Richard Branson


8,740,000 +204,000 *** Global, company, customer engagement
Mark Cuban


5,790,000 +180,000 * Personal topics
Elan Musk Telsa/Spacex @elonmusk 5,760,000 +360,000 ** Space pics
Lord Sugar Amshold @Lord_Sugar 5,240,000 +40,000 ** Global
Jack Dorsey @jack 3,890,000 +30,000 ** Social issues
Tim Cook Apple @tim_cook 3,750,000 +240,000 ** Apple promotion
John Legere @JohnLegere 3,150,000 +30,000 *** TMobile and event promotion
Marissa Mayer Yahoo @marissamayer 1,650,000 +20,000 * Business topics
Warren Buffett Berkshire @WarrenBuffett 1,200,000 +10,000 Only 1 posts in 2016
Tony Fernades AirAsia @tonyfernandes 1,170,000 +40,000 *** Airline and global topics
Satya Nadella MSFT @satyanadella 1,090,000 +40,000 *** MSFT promotion & global tops
Michael Dell @MichaelDell 1,070,000 +5,000 * Dell promotion
Aaron Levie Box


747,000 +177,000 ** Political topics
Sundar Pichai Google


616,000 +20,000  
Larry Kim Wordstream


492,000 +25,000  
Jeff Weiner Linkedin @jeffweiner 399,000 +4,000 ** Global business
Dave Asprey BPNutrition


351,000 +62,000 ** Food topics
Marc Benioff Salesforce @Benioff 304,000 +25,000 *** Social issues
Meg Whitman @MegWhitman 236,000 0 Northing since 2011
Thubten WePostMedia


224,000 New ***
Olga Kay MooshWalks


201,000 1,000 **
Ashley Alexiss


192,000 +1,000 **
Bryan Kramer PureMatter


191,000 +2,000 **
David Gold West Ham United FC


160,000 +3,000 ** Sports and charities
Jeffrey Bezos Amazon @JeffBezos


145,000 +6,000 * Space issues
Marcelo Claure Sprint


137,000 +3,000 *** Company, family and charity topics
Gurbaksh Chalal


133,000 New ** Hidden tweets
Debra Ruh RuhGlobal


130,000 +4,000 *** Health, caring and charity topics
Mark Zuckerberg @MarkZuckerbergF 119,000 +3,000 Nothing since 2010
Ian Matthews WMGCinsights


107,000 +4,000 *
Shelly Kramer V3Broadsuite


103,000 New **
Rui Delgado Berrymetrics


94,000 +29,600 ** Global
Holly Ransom Emergent


94,000 +300 *** Global topics
Larry Ellison Oracle @larryellison 93,500 +200 Nothing since 2012
Mike Kawula SocialQuant


78,700 +5,300 * Company topics
Michael Brenner MKTGnsiders


75,100 +1,700 ** Marketing SEO topics
Spencer Rascoff Zillow @spencerrascoff 70,800 +3,900 *** Company topics
Aseem Badshad Socedo


63,100 New * Company topics
Joseph Steinberg SecureMySocial


60,000 +1,700 **
Danny Gibson Inkster


59,900 +4,300 * Culture
Jacqueline Gold – Ann Summers


56,700 +300 * Fashion, family topics
Caen Contee Connect


56,400 +1,500 * Company
David Meltzer Sports1Mkt


53,700 New * Sports
JM Alvarez-Pallete Telefonica


51,700 +1,000 * Global
Danielle Morrill Mattermark


51,000 +700 ** Company and global
Josef Holm Krowdster


49,200 +1,500 * Crowdfunding
Peter Bordes OneCube


45,000 +400 **
Brit Morin Brit


43,100 +200 ** Family and company
Paolo Privitera Pick1


41,100 +400 **
Lee Ann Allman Sandton


40,000 +3,500 ** Global
Rob Peters


39,300 +200 **
Keith Krach Docusign


33,900 +3,300 ** Company, tech
Jason Will Zipkick


33,800 +200 * Food
Kevin Crenshaw


33,400 +600 ***
David Jones One Young World


32,300 +100 ** Global
Sebastian James Dixons


31,700 +100 * Company
Ronan Dunne Verizon


31,500 +200 *** Global
Steve Zeitch FocalPoint


31,000 +400 **
John Hall Influence Co


30,900 +4,500 **
Cheryl Burgess BlueFocus


29,500 +200 * Company
MariAnne Vanella Vanella Group @VanellaGroup


+700 ** Business topics
Yaqui Nunez Quierolabya


26,300 +100 ** Global
Jon Ferrar Nimble


26,000 +200 ** Company
Gil Eyal Hyprbrands


25,800 +500 ** Random
Mauro Biasolo LLCbox


25,400 +2,200 *** Business topics
Sherry Chris


24,900 +200 ** Fashion, family, other
Tim Jackson CADA


24,300 +100 ** Business topics
David Prasser Startuscc


23,900 +600 ** Company, tech
Chuck Robbins Cisco


21,400 +1,000 ** Company, tech
George Schildge Matrix Group


20,400 +200 ** Marketing strategy
Reed Hastings @reedhastings 19,100 +1,100 Political – social
Ginny Rometty IBM @GinniRometty 18,800 +900 No posts
Nicelle McCall BoldGuidance


18,500 -100 * Startup
Ayah Bdeir Littlebits @ayahbdeir 18,300 +200 ** Company promotion
Stephen Kelly SageGroupPLC


18,300 +300 ** Global, tech
Mike Wilson Comnexia @VoIPBoss 18,100 New * Business
Jack Parsons YourfeedUK


18,000 +2,000 *** Tech, brand
David Thodey x-Telstra @davidthodey 17,900 0 Global
Megann Rundell Tulip Strategies


17,600 New ** Random
Mattan Griffel Onemonthedu


16,700 0 ** Tech, startup
Helena Morrissey Newtonim @MorrisseyHelena 16,600 +300 ** Humanitarian
Robert Moore Footprint_Nyc


16,200 New ** Content marketing
Jonathan LaCoste Jebbit


15,600 +200 ** Tech, SMM
Ouriel Ohayon Appsfire


15,400 New ** Apps
Mark Hurd Oracle


14,700 +1,000 ** Company, tech
John Donahoe Paypal @Donahoe_John 14,200 0 No posts since 2015
Mark Bertolini Aetna @mtbert 14,200 +200 ** Global topics
Theo Priestly Cronycle


14,100 +200 ** Innovation
Cindy Whitehead ThePinkCeiling


13,000 +4,000 *** Women in business
Derek Flanzraich Greatist @derekflanz 12,900 New * Wellness
Tom Mendoz Netapp @TomMendozaTalks 12,900 0 ** Company, sports, tech
Jan Owen Young Australians


12,900 +100 ** Global, startups
Jeremy Bloom Integrate @JeremyBloom11 12,700 +100 ** Company, self-promo
Jeremy Burton EMC


12,600 +200 ** Company promotion
Dheeraj Pandey Nutanix


12,500 +600 ** Company
Paul F. Calero Havas


12,200 +200 ** Global
Christo Fouch BusinessDirect


12,000 +2,784 * Company sales
Kathryn Parsons Decoded


11,800 +200 * Global, startups
Dr. Susan Amat VentureHive


11,700 0 *** Startups
Ophir Gottlief CMLviz


11,500 +300 ** Fintech
Brian Krzanich Intel @bkrunner 11,400 +200 ** Company promotion
Brandon Foo Polymail


11,200 -100 * Company
Justin Holland Healthjoy


10,900 -100 ** Medical, startup
Jon Medved OurCrowd


10,800 New * Startups
Scott Brown @sbrown 10,700 -100 ** Company promotion & lifestyle
Grant Wilkinson Fluidbrowser


10,500 +3,147   Apps and tech
Javier beBee beBee @JavierBeBee 10,400 +2,212 ** Company promotion
Bradford Glaser HRDQ


10,100 +128 ** Management, tech
Francois Goube Cogniteev


9,718 -23 ** Business Startup topics
Briand Bosche GoSlope


9,604 +569 ** Company, tech
Wes Hayden Virtual Hold


9,510 -45 ** Tech topics
Craig Faulker FMGSuite


9,418 -21 * Marketing
Pat Gelginger Vmware


9,228 +551 ** Company
Sara Bird Moz


9,007 +63 *** Company, tech
Jack Salzwedel @amfamjack 8,185 +185 *** Company topics
Tom Gillis BRKT


7,946 +278 ** Business security
Jerry Colonna RebootHQ


7,803 +161 ** Global
Brad Smith Intuit @IntuitBrad 7,731 +269 ** Company-personal promotion
Arlo Gilbert Televero


7,678 +30 ** Global topics
Ola Rollén


@OlaRollen 7,200 +198 * Personal interests
Jeff Haynie Appcelator @jhaynie 6,927 +37 ** Global topics
Martin Gilbert – Aberdeen @MartinGilbert83 6,870 +408 ** Industry
Gregarious Narain Chute @gregarious 6,571 +11 ** Personal
Karim Abouelnaga PMPUSA


6,324 +693 ** Team building
Chris Kalaboukis HelloFuture


6,268 +83 ** Innovation tech
Geeman Yip BitTitan


6,208 +989 ** Company, startups
Bart Lorang FullContact


6,011 +32 ** Company, tech
Howard Brown RingDNA


5,882 +10 ** Sales
Alex Raymond Kapta @afraymond 5,362 -24 ** Sales and Customer topics
Adam Broadway NearMeco


5,140 +781 ** Marketing
Heather Margolis ChannelMavens


5,105 +84 ** Channel sales
Helmuth Fuchs Moneycab


4,982 +374 ** Global, startups
Alex Aleksandroski Wooter


4,931 New *** Sports fashion
James Park Fitbit


4,917 +160 ** Company
Ann Charles BrandFog


4,672 New *** Politics
Ludovic Huraux Shapr


4,449 +49 ** Company promotion
Valerie Jennings JSMM


4,313 +39 ** Startup issues
Eric Litman Medialets @ericlitman 4,098 +2 ** Company promotion
Johnny Katz Varick North


4,083 +93 * Business topics
T Schellenbach Getstream


3,972 -79 * Tech
Bruce Broussard Humana @brucedbroussard 3,930 +171 Company topics
Joshua Reeves GustoHQ


3,893 New Company promotion
Marcela Shine Scientific_Ly


3,810 +88 * Politics
Steve Greenburg


3,794 +22 ** Politics
Nick Kullin Second Flight


3,791 +325 Personal
Carter Hostelley Leadtail @carterhostelley 3,789 +40 ** Sales, tech
Martin Bouygues @MartinBouygues 3,658 +61 Business topics
Ankur Nagpal


3,547 +70 * Company
Larry Weber RacepointGlobal


3,511 -2 * Company promotion
Mat Ellis Cloudability @MatEllis 3,497 -6 * Company promotion
Julie Wainwright RealReal


3,488 -2 ** Business/political topics
Rami Essaid Distil @ramiessaid 3,270 +54 ** Company-personal promotion
Michael Biddick Fusion PPT


3,227 +4 * Company
Debbie Wossk Lovehomeswap


3,193 +58   Startups
Liz Pearce LiquidPlanner


3,184 New ** Business topics
Lisa Abeyta AppCitylife


3,064 +36 ** Tech/politics
Dave Girgenti LifeBlinkinc


2,997 New ** Startups
Yoav Schwartz Uberflip


2,861 +191   Marketing
Shai Berger Fonolo


2,787 +76 ** Global
Xavier Rolet London Stock Exchange


2,709 +144 ** Fintech
Stale Hansen AdvaniaNorway


2,674 New * Microsoft
Peter Dicksion Wegreenlight


2,583 +615 ** Company, startups
Will Richman BitmakerHQ


2,532 +122   Random
Carmen Gonzales Sys-Con


2,423 +97 ** Cloud
Simon Segars ARM


2,374 +62 ** Company, caring
Eric Yuan Zoom


2,367 +94 ** Random
Dan Lynn Agildata


2,356 +17 ** Random
Allyson Downey WeekSpring


2,223 +23 ** Politics
Cameron Avery ElasticGrid


2,192 -2 ** Company promotion
Paul Segre Genesys


2,172 +16 * Company promotion
Tanya Prive OneVest


2,155 +18 Startup
Kent Thiry


@KentThiry 2,149 +53 *** Company and health topics
Derek Rogers Generous Tickets


2,119 +172 ** Fintech
Jon Stein Kettera


2,016 -74 ** Fintech
TJ Parker PillPack @tjparker 2,002 +46 ** Misc topics
G. Krista Morgan P2Bi


2,000 +21 ** Company Topics
Zach Supalla Particle


2,000 +43 * Random
Vittorio Colao Vodafone @vitt61 1,976 +26 Global topics
George Mitsopoulos Broadvoice


1,970 +6 * Tech topics
Michael White e4Strategies @e4VoIP 1,916 +13 * Random
Nina Simosko NTTi3


1,902 +41 ** Security and women in business
Domini Pouzin BitTitan


1,820 +630 ** Tech news
Amit Shaffir Quiv


1,784 +3   Random
Richard Jones EngageSciences


1,777 +4 ** Company, biz
Edward Kim Gusto


1,705 +30 * Company
Sean Safahi GoBold


1,697 -189 * Random
James Hagan Noinc


1,692 +170 ** Edtech
Ahmad Chatila Sunedison


1,649 -28 ** Solar business topics
Joe Burton Plantronics @JoeBBurton 1,640 +8 * Auto topics
Jackie Ros Revolar


1,617 +80 *** Tech startups
Jason Tan SiftScience


1,601 +78 Tech
Jens Nylander Automile @nylanderjens 1,600 +13 * Company
Promise Phelon Tapinfluence


1,594 New ** Business topics
Sanjay Verma Skv_India


1,585 +25 ** Global
Andre Durand Ping


1,557 -1 Cybersecurity, caring
Jerry Kennelly Tweak @jerrykennelly 1,492 +114 * Company
Todd Vernon VictorOps


1,489 +8 ** Random
Ranvir Gujral  Chute @ranvir 1,456 +10 ** Chute promotion
Anke Corbin Globig


1,438 +15 ** Women, startups, VC
Justin Gray Myleadmd


1,419 +23 ** B2B, sales
Carol Barash Story2


1,369 +35 ** Edtech, startups
David Morken Bandwidth


1,358 +8 ** Business Topics
Moshe Maeir


1,356 +10 ** Tech
Mary Boone


1,349 +11 *** Business
Ed Clark Atlanta Motor Speedway @EdClarkAMS


1,348 -6 Car topics
Dhaval Shah Ganjaboxes


1,280 +139 ** Industry
Kreg Peeler Spingoevents


1,244 New   Company
Tim Burton Center for Excellence


1,237 +216 ** Business
Paul Vincent Neuranet


1,222 +231 ** Startups, Tech
Anna Jones Hearst UK


1,204 +59 ** Women startups
Niki Koubourlis BoldBetties


1,202 +13 ** Startups
Scott Yates Blogmutt


1,180 +41 ** Company promotion
Dayanna Valenciano TheLuvalGroup


1,178 +158 *** News
Chad Gundry Bragshare


1,171 +273 ** Business
Chris Neumann Datahero @ckneumann 1,166 -7 * Company promotion
Andrei Soroker @abs 1,158 -6 * Lifestyle topics
Chip Pickering Incompass


1,143 +21 *** Association
Simon Knapp Pixmoto


1,119 +71 ** Marketing, Tech
Avi Freedman Kentikinc


1,076 +55 * Random
Cathy Engelbert Deloitte


1,054 +227 ** Company, Business
John Gabbert Pitchbook @john_gabbert 1,049 +81 ** Venture capital issues
Sagar Modi QuiphMedia


1,037 New ** Startups
Alex Bisbe Whisbi


1,033 -7 * Company
Daniel Saks Appdirect @danielsaks 1,031 +9 * Company promotion
Chip Roberson Brandle


1,024 New ** Politics
Tom Coburn Jebbit


1,012 +7 ** Startups
Don Brow ININ


995 +15 Company
Michael Tessler Broadsoft


984 +32 ** Company
Sasanka Atapattu Launchsource


977 +8 ** Career
Ned Scott Steemit


974 +171 ** Fintech
Walter Knapp Sovrn


868 +9 ** Business topics
Sean Kelly GetWuf


867 New * Personal
Jeff Margolis Welltok


844 +10 * Health
Jim Kavanaugh WWT


832 +65 ** Company, Tech, Sports
Ivelin Ivanov Telestax


815 +11 ** Cloud
Alexey Aylarov Zingaya


807 +4 ** Company promotion
Devon Tivona Hellopana


800 +4 ** Random
Matt Talbot GoSpotCheck


773 +14 ** Tech
Richardo Monagas Upperskysoft


759 -6 ** Random
David Walsh Genband


755 +9 ** Company
Gilles Schnepp Legrand @gilles_schnepp 735 +76 In French
Jed Ayres IGEL


733 +11 * Tech
Stephanie Maxwell Gosirvo


720 -1 ** Random
Paulii Good IamVRco


719 +107 ** VR
Bryan Leach Ibotta


695 +6 Startup
Anurag Lal Infinite Covergence


693 +98 ** Mobile, Tech
Alex Devkar Conspire


670 -11 Random
Lee Moyated Mayer The Havenly


657 +29 Lifestyle
John Paller Lakeshore @PallerJohn 619 -23 ** Leadership
Larry Page Google @q_larrypage 618 +20 Nothing since 2013
Anthony Rhem AJRhem


617 +33 ** Leadership, Tech
Jeff Green TheTradeDeskInc


608 +2 Nothing since 2015
Kevin Krauth OrderlyHealth


546 +8 ** Healthcare
Geoff Mina ConnectFirst


541 -2   Company promotion
Andrew Fischer Choozle


493 +9 ** Startups
Josh Swihard


491 New * Random
Jason Eckenroth ShipCokmpliant @JRoth 484 +2 Startup/Business
Nick Galea 3CX


468 +1   Company
Itay Rosenfeld Voxbone @Voxitay 439 +7 ** Tech topics
Haim Senior Knowmail


432 +1 ** AI
Scott Saxberg

Crescent Point Energy



424 +6 Industry topics
Fred Coon @FredCoonSCC 423 +1 ** HR topics
Oliver Sloane SCM World @oliversloane 418 +2 Company topics
Dana Allison ImYourDoc


400 +7 * Sports, Meds
Peter Bassett Augur


386 +13 ** Politics
Ryan Wartena Growing Energy Labs


385 +6   Innovation
Ronald Egas Werkspot


381 +12 ** Tech
John Tayer Boulder Chamber @BoulderTayer 361 +2 ** Business
Chris Terrill Home Advisor


358 +1 Nothing since 2015
Richard Palaera KermitPPI


358 +9 * Healthcare
Theresa Szczurek Radish


356 +7 * Tech
Seamus Nally Qwipit


351 -6 Startup
Tom Cox GetCandl


351 +14 * Vet-Tech
Art Gilliland Skyport


343 -3 * Security
Matt Medeiros StorageCraft Tech


341 0 Nothing since 2015
Dayton Turner Voxter


318 -1 ** Personal
Nick Kyriakides netTalk


304 +1 * Random
Mike Massaro Flywire


293 +21 * Random
Adnan Lawai @adnanlawai 265 0 Company promotion
Alex Kronman Flytedesk


264 +22 * Startups
Lisa Calkins Amadeus


255 +5 * Wellness
Pablo Graiver


252 +7 ** Global
Sean Foster Crowdtap @sfoster1982 251 +4 * Company promotion
Vik Verma 8×8


248 +12 ** Company, Tech
John Thies Acid


232 +20 ** Politics
Reza Khadjavi Trysloelace


230 +1 Company
Bob Cagnazzi Presidio


230 +1 Unknown
Scott Carr Modria @J_Scott_Carr 230 +7 Nothing since 2015
Jay Swayze BluArc @Jay_Swayze 229 -2 Business Topics
Tom Benton DMA USA


221 +22 ** Business
Vijay Sikka Sikka Soft


217 +13 * Company
Wendi Burkhardt Silvernest


215 +19 ** Company
Nancy Phillips


213 +2  
Mark Woodward Invoca @MarkEWoodward 210 0 * Company
Philip Winterburn Convercent


190 +5   Company
Jeronimo Folgueira


176 +5 * Company
Rachel Carlson Guild Education


175 +10 * Education
Ernie Wallerstein Enghouse


170 +2 ** Company
George Powell EasyBeauty


148 +9 ** Business
Mark Hellinger Xyleme @mhellinger 126 +3 Company promotion
Mark Loney Starleaf


122 +5 Video
Dan Burkhart Recurly


122 +5
Robert McClary


117 +3 ** Company
Sam Henry SalesSmyth


115 +55 ** Sales
David Messenger @davidrjm 101 -1 Mobile topics
Bryan Knoebel MoneyCarta


100 0 * Company
Alexandra Weiner


100 +4 Startups
Frank Fawzi Intelepeer @frankfawzi 95 -1 Company
Yaniv Yardi PanPwr


89 -6 Enterprise
Ittai Bareket @IttaiBareket 89 -5 * Tech topics
Cliff Kane Cleareon


81 +45
Gary Testa Star2Star


80 0 Company
Sandeep S – Smartify


78 -1 Startups
Daniel Serpico FusionStorm


60 +1 Business
Bashir Khairy Envision


50 +1 * Business
Ronen Lazar Inturn


45 +3 * B2B
Steve Roatch 27Global


40 0   Nothing since 2011
Ron Gaboury Yorktel


37 +2 * Company
Eric Parkinson Hannover House


23 -2 Nothing since 2015





5,824 responses to “CEO Twitter Scoreboard November 1 – 2016 Archive”

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